Hero Image

The ramblings of a rambler

I have chosen to publish some photos that I think are beautiful. Most of the photos were taken in Sweden and during my travels throughout Europe.

Welcome to my personal space on the Internet!

Here I have collected some technical documentation and tips and tricks about tools I use daily. Information is adapted to my environment and if you intend to use it, you also need to adjust to your needs.

I have also started writing a diary or as it is called, blog. I'm not a writer, so do not expect that much is written and that it will be interesting for everyone, but I try.

If you want to know more about me, you can continue reading here.

And finally, i would like to say: "it ain`t what you do not know that gets you into trouble!"

About me

Hi, my name is Emir. I am from Bosnia and live in Sweden

Everything that has happened in my life so far has enriched me with an understanding of different cultures and the opportunity to look more openly at different perspectives, options, and possibilities.

I am a driven person and have the ability to solve complex problems, whether they are practical or social.

Knowledge profile

  • Information security
  • Digital communication
  • Experience with Linux, Windows, and macOS
  • Network communication
  • SQL servers


  • 2001 - IT technician - system administrator
  • 1998 - 2001 IT technician
  • 1996 - 1998 NC operator
  • 1988 - 1992 Entrepreneur, then came war!

Featured Photos

Contact me


I would love to help you out with any question you may have. Feel free to ask me anything and everything!